Tag Archives: digital-kids

On DVD: Cloudy With a Chance of Big, Fat, Scathing Satire

This week Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs emerges, like a flood of curdled cream from a giant mutant eclair, onto DVD, and you shouldn’t, if you skipped it, dismiss it as just another digital kids’ cartoon, the kind that usually features penguins or cows and has Patrick Warburton voicing a dim-witted lug character of some type (not that there’s anything wrong with Patrick Warburton or his voicing skills), and blah blah blah. It’s not Pixar, but its not Happy Feet , either. It is in fact a scalding, stomach-churning, essentially Swiftian mockery of Americans, American privilege, and American gluttony. It could not have been made in any other country in the world.

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On DVD: Cloudy With a Chance of Big, Fat, Scathing Satire