Tag Archives: disrespect-side

James Franco Gives Mad Props to Porn Stars

James Franco is officially an Oscar nominee . But that’s not why the actor is making headlines today. Franco is in the news due to his unusual comments during a Newsweek -hosted discussion with fellow nominees Natalie Portman, Colin Firth, Michelle Williams, Annette Bening and Nicole Kidman. During the chat, Franco somehow steered the conversation to his experience playing the role of Ray J when he was 19, saying: “I think if anybody who has made a sex tape knows, what feels best doesn’t always look best. I remember when I was 19 doing that, and then watching it back and thinking, oh, that looks horrible… You have a lot of respect for those actors in pornography, because they are really not just doing it, they’re really selling it.” True. But then they’re getting it on with Charlie Sheen . Sort of tips the scale back into the disrespect side of things, doesn’t it?

James Franco Gives Mad Props to Porn Stars