Tag Archives: divine-feminine

Evolving Woman meet Evolving Man – Redefining Gender Roles

www.CuttingEdgeConsciousness.com Guest co-host, Katherine Woodward Thomas, filling in for Barnet Bain, along with Freeman Michaels, welcome Jeff Brown to Cutting Edge Consciousness. Jeff Brown is the author of the book “Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation” and the article “Apologies to the Divine Feminine”. He joins Freeman and Katherine to talk about gender roles. Besides being the bestselling author of “Calling in the One”, Katherine is also the co-leader of The Feminine Power Workshops where topics such as this are regularly discussed: (femininepower.com and Jeff hosts conversations about emerging men and women, as well – his website is: soulshaping.com http://www.youtube.com/v/CN-Upp_nFYY?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See more here: Evolving Woman meet Evolving Man – Redefining Gender Roles


Evolving Woman meet Evolving Man – Redefining Gender Roles