Tag Archives: domestic-rage

Edward Ray Fisher, OneRepublic Drummer, Arrested For Disturbing the Peace and Assault

Edward Ray Fisher, the drummer for OneRepublic, was booked for destruction of private property, disturbing the peace and assault earlier today. Wonder if it’s too late to apologize … sorry. Fisher is set to appear in Denver County Court tomorrow afternoon. Additional details surrounding his alleged destructive domestic rage are unclear. According to his booking sheet, the 38-year-old rocker, who lives in Denver, Colo., is 5’8″ and weighs 155 pounds. Aren’t you glad you know?! He displaces Amber Portwood as the newest member of our celebrity mug shot club. So welcome, Edward. Now put a band-aid on that cut dog.

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Edward Ray Fisher, OneRepublic Drummer, Arrested For Disturbing the Peace and Assault