Tag Archives: donate-sperm

Amazing “Fertility Doctor” of the Day

I like people who pose as medical practitioners for their own sexual gain…but you have to be a real fucking idiot to answer a Craigslist ad asking for you to donate sperm for a “Fertility Doctor” who will pay you 4,000 dollars if you go to his house a jerk off for him. I have no sympathy for the fools who fell this shit……But I do give props to the creepy homo who may not have played things out how I would have if I was posing as a fertility doctor, since there was far less vagina than I would have tried to diddle, but dude had a good thing going, something so inspirational to us too lazy to go out there and trick people into getting naked for us by posing as Doctors. Too bad he got caught…but shit makes me want to step up my fraud.

Read more here:
Amazing “Fertility Doctor” of the Day

Craigslist Sperm Donor on The People’s Court of the Day

This is fucking ridiculous….it is an obvious joke, even one of the dykes is laughing the entire time and shit is all over 700 dollars…dude was hired off Craigslist to donate sperm and poor dude got involved with some gutter women who can’t even pronounce “Insemination”, while he’s just some video gamer who likes jerking off….serious fucking lie…this is what America Television has come to. Here’s part two….take it in while you can…

The rest is here:
Craigslist Sperm Donor on The People’s Court of the Day