Tag Archives: down-on-access

Lady Gaga and Luc Carl: Back to Black

Following a rendition of ” The Edge of Glory ,” which Howard Stern called “one of the best performances” he’s ever had on his show, Lady Gaga Tweeted: “Just left the @HowardStern show, rockers with long hair have a sweet spot for girls like me. He was a doll. :)” That wasn’t just a reference to the King of All Media. Gaga and on-again, off-again boyfriend Luc Carl were spotted outside Z100 studios: Luc Carl is dating Lady Gaga again . With her hair dyed jet black, Gaga paired a furry black top with a black leather purse by Chanel. Luc rocked the skinny black jeans, vest and mullet like a champ. Gaga and Carl broke up in May, but have apparently reconciled. The bartender and drummer, who like the Lady hails from New York, certainly has a past with the pop superstar. Will he be a lasting part of her future as well? [Photos: Fame Pictures]

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Lady Gaga and Luc Carl: Back to Black

Emma Watson to Follow Up Harry Potter With…

How do you follow up what may turn out to be the highest-grossing film of all-time? By placing your career in the hands of one of Hollywood’s most respected directors. Such is the direction Emma Watson will reportedly take, as sources confirm she’s negotiating to join Guillermo Del Toro for his remake of Beauty and the Beast . Not many details are available on the subject, but it’s safe to assume Watson would portray Belle. First, though, the actress will attend Oxford University in the fall to study English. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Emma Watson to Follow Up Harry Potter With…

Angelina Jolie "Wears the Pants" in Relationship With Brad Pitt, Friends Shockingly Claim

The possibility of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie getting married has received a ton of buzz recently, but as usual, it looks like rumors are just rumors. Despite a splashy cover story in Us , it’s not happening right now. “It’s doubtful it’s happening right now,” says a well-known, rich member of their inner circle … one of the lucky few still allowed in said circle. Part of the reason dish on Brangelina is so hard to come by is that Angelina has cut down on access to the couple, a source tells E! Tuesday. What Angie says, goes. That includes Brad’s friends. “Lots of friends used to be very close to Brad before Angie stopped letting any of his friends come around,” complains this particular Pitt pal. The chosen few who have been approved by Angelina – as well as Brad’s buddies who didn’t make the cut – all agree on one indisputable point: Jolie wears the pants in the relationship. “She rules him,” complains a formerly super-close Brad pal, who’s been iced by Angelina. “You can never put anything past that Angie.” “She’s the one calling the shots.” That includes all marriage plans, according to reports, so whatever Brad might say about the kids wanting them to, don’t hold your breath. [Photo: WENN]

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Angelina Jolie "Wears the Pants" in Relationship With Brad Pitt, Friends Shockingly Claim