Tag Archives: dude-probably

Perfect Game Fail

This dude probably didn’t have a good sleep that night. Poor guy! Continue reading

Alyssa Miller Models Half Naked for H&M of the Day

Alyssa Miller is an average at best, in both face and body, model who has done Sports Illustrated because she fucked the right people, got to a certain level of stardom, and moved onto bigger and better things, like Jake Gyllenhaal thinking it would open doors for her because he’s a big gay star…which I don’t think it really did…because no one gives a fuck about Alyssa Miller and her average at best looks that may come packing’a cock…we all just know she’s a slut, but you already know that, since she cheated on her boyfriend who made her career with Jake Gyllenhaal, as groupie opportunists do… More interestingly…She’s a slut posted this picture of her nipples on instagram…

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Alyssa Miller Models Half Naked for H&M of the Day

Comedian Officiates Wedding of the Day

I don’t really know the back story of this wedding being officiated by a bad comedian, who makes pretty shitty jokes, but that are pretty alright jokes under the assumption that this is actually a wedding he is officiating, but it reminds me of the time I brought a crackwhore as a date to my own wedding, it was frowned upon, people got upset, but we had to establish that getting married couldn’t be a direct attack on our freedom, only this dude probably smells better…even if his comedy stinks…

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Comedian Officiates Wedding of the Day