Tag Archives: dumpy-dumpster

Katy Perry for a Britney Spears Fetish Party of the Day

Either it’s Halloween or Katy Perry is on her way to Britney Spears’ house for a sex party, you know because in a lot of ways Britney probably inspired Katy Perry to be the poptart with silly songs and dances that with the right costume are highly marketable to retards everywhere – all while making millions and millions of dollars for everyone involved….and this is just her paying thanks… Or it’s just a really fucking awful, yet funny since we all know what her dumpy dumpster looks like…halloween costume… I like to think it’s for a Britney Sex Party though, even though I know even if it’s not, Britney has already masturbated and even squirted to this pic… TO SEE A BUNCH OF CELEBS DOING HALLOWEEN CLICK HERE

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Katy Perry for a Britney Spears Fetish Party of the Day