If all publicity is good publicity, then ratings for the next episode of Mariah's World will be off the proverbial charts. That's because the legendary singer is getting absolutely roasted on Twitter today, following a humiliating performance in Times Square on New Year's Eve. The issues kicked off nearly as soon as the Carey took to the stage singing “Auld Lang Syne,” when it became immediately apparent that her backing track didn't match up with what she was singing. OOPS! Donning bodysuit and surrounded by dancers who were holding feathers, Mariah subsequently launched into “Emotion” – but appeared to be unable to hear the actual track. After belting a couple of words, the artist told her dancers to walk her down the steps to the front of the stage. “Well, Happy New Year,” she said to the audience, as she seemed to reach for her earpiece. “We can't hear but I'll just get through 'Emotion.'” A moment later, though, she basically gave up, informing those in attendance: “All right, we didn't have a check for this song, so we'll just say it went to number one.” Honestly, things just got worse from there. Overall, it was a pretty fitting way to wrap up 2016. In response to the clear hiccups, Carey later Tweeted: “Shit happens.' Which is true. But this was epic. WATCH NOW:
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Mariah Carey: Worst New Year’s Eve Performance Ever?