I don’t know why I don’t think Emmy Rossum has anything interesting going for her. Maybe I am the kind of guy who sees a girl willing to get naked and immediately hates her after she gets naked because it means that she’s a hooker…but not the good kind of hooker, the fake kind of hooker who allocates high concept and pretentiousness to her hooking. Where as real hookers are some of the most honest and down to earth people, who get they are being paid to fuck, while these hollywood hookers, pretend their hooking is ART or Love…when clearly it’s all for fame and fortune… Maybe I don’t think she looks that great when she gets naked in her cable show…naked. A move she made to get on that map that worked, becasue getting naked gets you noticed… Maybe I just don’t like that she’s blocked me on the internet, like shitting on any chance we had at love and friendship because she’s an egotistical cunt who is too snobby to support what we do here… But I do think she looks her best in these behind the scenes Cosmo pics. I guess she’s been working out. She also posted this bikini pic…
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Emmy Rossum for Instagram of the Day