Tag Archives: edited-during

Moment of Truth: Oliver Stone on Gonzo Docmaking and ‘Good Guy’ Hugo Chávez

Welcome back to Moment of Truth, Movieline’s spotlight on the best in nonfiction cinema. Today we hear from director Oliver Stone about his new documentary South of the Border , which opens tomorrow in limited release. For all the political heat Oliver Stone has withstood (and will continue to withstand) over the years, no one can really call the guy a slacker. Take his latest doc South of the Border , which Stone filmed and edited during the course of making two narrative features and a 10-hour documentary he’s still working on. The concept was simple enough, even while the implications were more than a little complex: Introduce the leaders of seven Latin American countries to U.S. and European audiences who, for too long, have received the wrong idea about them from the media. Does it work? That’s up to you.

Moment of Truth: Oliver Stone on Gonzo Docmaking and ‘Good Guy’ Hugo Chávez