Don't you just love hearing details about the strange, strange couple that is Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer? Of course you do — it's human nature to feel compelled to look at a train wreck, and if Ryan and Mack aren't a train wreck, then what are they? Somehow, someway, they managed to make themselves into one of the most hated couples in the Teen Mom franchise, and that's really saying something. So hey, why not throw a new baby in the mix?! 1. A Love Story Ryan and Mackenzie have been together since sometime last fall. That’s when she was introduced on Teen Mom OG, and we know they got engaged last December. At first, if you’ll remember, many people thought that Mackenzie seemed sweet, stable, and like she’d be a good influence on Ryan. And those people were wrong. 2. Worse and Worse … On the last OG season, we saw them planning their wedding, and we also saw Ryan continue to be just high out of his mind. Maci confirmed that he was doing drugs, but Ryan and Mackenzie didn’t mention anything of the sort until the season finale. 3. A Parking Lot Wedding to Remember For some reason concerning Bentley’s custody that still doesn’t really make sense, Ryan and Mackenzie decided to get married in a quick little ceremony in a parking lot in May instead of waiting for their planned wedding in November. Ryan drove them both to the wedding, and it wasn’t a great time. 4. Nope Nope Nope He was nodding off behind the wheel, so much that Mackenzie had to help him steer. Instead of instructing him to pull over, she concerned herself with turning of MTV’s cameras in the car, and we heard her ask him if he’d been taking Xanax “again.” 5. What a Fairytale Even though Ryan could have easily killed them on the drive over, and even though their only guests were Ryan’s devastated parents, they got married anyway. The whole thing was shocking and depressing and just very, very bad. Some have even called it the darkest moment in Teen Mom history. 6. Off to Rehab On the reunion special for that season, Mackenzie claimed that that fateful wedding drive was the very first time she ever noticed Ryan’s drug use, and that she shipped him off to rehab the very next day. It’s a little hard to believe, especially considering that thousands of strangers noticed his drug use at least a year before, but hey, sure. View Slideshow
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Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer: We’re Gonna Have a Baby!