Tag Archives: empathetic

Empathetic Listening DVD with Stephen R. Covey

www.mindperk.com Most people don’t take the necessary time and effort to properly diagnose a problem before prescribing solutions. They immediately assume they understand someone else’s condition. Stephen R. Covey says, “communication is simply mutual understanding.” Empathetic listening is reflecting what a person feels and says in your own words. It is NOT listening to advise, counsel, probe, judge, question or analyze. This complete teaching package includes the award-winning Nobody’s Listening video, a live seminar session with Stephen R. Covey: Diagnose before you Prescribe, and an example video titled, I Know Just What You Mean, plus a facilitator guide (pdf), participant guidebooks (pdf), PowerPoint presentation tonesetters and more. 40-minute DVD available at MindPerk.com. http://www.youtube.com/v/xyGuN9dciFg?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More: Empathetic Listening DVD with Stephen R. Covey


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Empathetic Listening DVD with Stephen R. Covey

Couric Illustrates the Sad Story Victimization Which Fuels the Government Spending She, for Once, Frets

Very unusually, CBS’s Katie Couric promised a look Thursday night at “how runaway government spending has exploded the national debt,” but between that segment and her show’s lead story, an “exclusive” interview with debt commission co-chairmen Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, Couric illustrated how she and the media are an impediment to rational spending decisions since they paint any decision to not spend more in terms of how that will hurt people. To wit, she despaired: