There is nipple behind all that communist propoganda! Her name is Enya, she’s a model I want to fuck, but that’s not saying much, cuz I only want to fuck models, and the fact she has a modeling contract, makes her a prime candidate for me wanting to fuck her….but it’s still saying something…and that something is that these pictures are hot….but I may just be saying that cuz they remind me of 60s erotica I once found in the wall of a house when doing construction….it was in a little tin box and contained a bunch of these faded polaroid pics and bunch of seedy love letters and even some tufts of pubic hair wrapped in yellow kleenex….a tin box that I spent a better part of a month jerking off to….I’m a romantic like that.
See the original post here:
Enya Bakunova Vintage Erotic Lookin’ For Elle Russia of the Day