Tag Archives: equator-jenner

Kylie Jenner: Transformation Into Kim Kardashian is Almost Complete!

In case you’re somehow not aware, Kylie Jenner is obsessed with Instagram . And with good reason. Seriously, with the amount of traffic her constant stream of selfies brings to the site, we hope she’s getting a cut of the profits. But what is it about Kylie that makes her pics so popular? Lots of young celebs post a lot of photos on IG, but Kylie is the site’s unofficial queen. Are people still trying to figure out if Kylie got lip injections ? Maybe they’re hoping to verify the rumors that she’s dating Tyga . Or maybe they enjoy watching her morph into her older half-sister: In case you can’t tell (we don’t blame you), that’s Kylie on the left and Kim Kardashian on the right. Sure, Kim is literally almost twice Kylie’s age, but were it not for the age difference, it would be damn difficult to tell these two apart. Naturally there’s some family resemblance, but there’s also the fact that Kylie seems to be styling herself after Kim. Her hair, her clothes…even her lips if that rumor is true. They all seem selected for the purpose of more closely resembling her famous half-sis. Kylie’s even in a relationship with a rapper! It’s only a matter of time before she names her baby after something she saw on a map. We just hope she waits a few years before bringing little Equator Jenner into the world. 20 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner 1. Kylie Jenner Cleavage Pic Kylie Jenner squats and shows off her cleavage in this photo. NOTE: She is 16 years old.

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Kylie Jenner: Transformation Into Kim Kardashian is Almost Complete!