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‘Voice’ Judges ‘Love House Parties,’ Blake Shelton Says

‘We’ll get together almost every night, all the coaches, believe it or not,’ country singer tells MTV News. By Jocelyn Vena Blake Shelton Photo: MTV News While there seems to be a friendly rivalry between the four judges on “The Voice,” off camera, that rivalry is nonexistent. The sole country star among the foursome, Blake Shelton, revealed to MTV News just what those crazy kids do when the cameras stop rolling and they are left to their own devices. “We hang out a little bit,” he told us. “It’s different out there in Los Angeles, and I don’t really fit in on the scene, but there’s been a time or two [we’ll hang out], normally during the live episodes, especially last year. We’ll get together almost every night, all the coaches, believe it or not.” Shelton remembered one get-together where the only lady judge showed up to party with bells on. “I had a party last year at my house,” he recalled. “And I’ll be damned if the first person at my door wasn’t Christina Aguilera. We love our house parties on ‘The Voice.’ ” The singer’s love for all his judge pals extends beyond a good party; he wants them on his team too! One judge in particular would be Shelton’s first pick for Team Blake : “Cee Lo, because he can do anything. He can do rock. I’ve never heard him rap, but I’m sure he can rap. I know he does whatever it is he does [musically, and] he’s really good at it. That’s who I want: Cee Lo.” But what if he could cast his dream bromance? Well, that honor goes to someone else. “All I have to say is, it’s true: I have a man crush on Adam,” Shelton admitted . “It blows me away people can pick up on that just by watching that on television. I want to kiss him. I want to kiss him so bad. I don’t care if it’s mutual or not. Can you honestly tell me that you don’t have a little bit of a crush on Adam? He’s sexy, is the word I’m using.” Would you like to attend a “Voice” judge party? Let us know in the comments! Related Artists Blake Shelton

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‘Voice’ Judges ‘Love House Parties,’ Blake Shelton Says