Tag Archives: even-if-chelsea

Chelsea Handler Bikini Pictures of the Day

Chelsea Handler is fucking disgusting. I don’t know what made her think she can pull off this bikini, but I know it is miserable. In case you didn’t know, I am not a fan of Chelsea Handler. I don’t like my women to be funny, cunty or acting like a gay dude, I like my women delicate and maternal…even though I married a fucking tank…. So even if Chelsea Handler was hot, I wouldn’t be able to see it, cuz I just see this bottom feeding, low level garbage, who has seen better days, like when she was firt coming up in the industry and did some casting couch hustle on video….and even those days weren’t all that much better…but at least she was willing to whore out to get out of her deadend waitress job….and who really cares…she has been wrecked…and she is a wreck…but people like him…I mean her… Here she is in some funny sex scene that sucks GO Here are her tits from some Early in her Career Casting Couch Sex Tape GO

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Chelsea Handler Bikini Pictures of the Day