On September 5, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills viewers will meet Dana Wilkey. The 37-year old event planner and close friend of Taylor Armstrong isn’t technically considered a new cast member, but we’ll be seeing plenty of her antics throughout the fall on Bravo. Get a preview now in this season two teaser . So, who the heck is Dana Wilkey? The new reality star… … has a 22-month son and will get married next summer. … will be helping Armstrong navigate her post-divorce life on the show, saying of her friend: “She’s just the most beautiful person. She’s really focusing on [daughter] Kennedy right now and surrounding herself with really good friends.” … collects Barbie dolls. … suffered a tragedy as a child when a car accident placed her mom in a coma and eventually led to her passing. [Photo: Richard McLaren/Bravo]
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Dana Wilkey Joins Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Cast