Tag Archives: every-emotional

REVIEW: Warrior, the Tale of Two Rockys, Packs a Potent Emotional Punch

There’s a moment at the end of Gavin O’C onnor’s MMA drama Warrior in which two men who have been relentlessly beaten and pummeled in the octagon stand dripping with exhaustion, rivers of sweat mingling with the tears running down their faces. It doesn’t matter that you can’t tell the sweat from the tears; that’s partly the point of Warrior anyway, which makes you feel every emotional wound just as acutely, if not more so, than the bruising, rib-crunching body blows. Yes, this is a mixed martial arts movie (distributed by genre specialists Lionsgate, no less). But it’s also one of the most heart-wrenching and deeply felt films of the year.

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REVIEW: Warrior, the Tale of Two Rockys, Packs a Potent Emotional Punch