Tag Archives: everyone-had

Top 10 of The Demi Moore and Her Spawns of the Day

#457756796 / gettyimages.com So it looks like the Demi Moores all got together for some photo exhibit featuring Rumer Willis…naked… #457749904 / gettyimages.com But Demi, being Demi was more interested in pointing at penises on her T-Shirt…because penis is what made her happen, but what also made her little Demi Moore’s happen… #457756784 / gettyimages.com She was really excited about the dick on her shirt… #457749902 / gettyimages.com So she made everyone else wear it… #457749866 / gettyimages.com Unless that was part of the event they were at…everyone had to wear the same shirt…I guess that would make more sense than Rumer Willis’ monster face…or that any man under 40 would get this close to Demi… #457749906 / gettyimages.com Because she is the devil.. #457747938 / gettyimages.com

See original here:
Top 10 of The Demi Moore and Her Spawns of the Day

The Quest for ‘Perfect Climate Information’

Photo via Joanneum What if the world had perfect climate information? If everyone had a perfect understanding of climate science and the threats posed by global warming, would that change most people’s limited commitments to individual action and our ability to implement good carbon-cutting policy? This question is a topic of an informal debate between the one-time NY Times climate reporter Andrew Revkin and Climate Progress’ Joe Romm, and it’s well worth thinking about in order to come to grips with why it is we’re so short of perfect climate information right now . …. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Here is the original post:
The Quest for ‘Perfect Climate Information’

Kristen Stewart Rocks out at the Joan Jett Show

• Looks like she’s doing her research! Kristen Stewart, rocking out at the Joan Jett and the Blackhearts show at the Santa Barbara County Fair in Santa Maria, Calif. The Twilight star, who is playing Jett in the upcoming biopic The Runaways, was at the show with some crewmembers and costar Scout Taylor-Compton, who plays Lita Ford in the movie

See the rest here:
Kristen Stewart Rocks out at the Joan Jett Show