Tag Archives: explain-the-big

Selena Gomez Looks Retarded of the Day

I don’t really understand why these pictures of Selena Gomez are making the rounds, but I am thinking it is because motherfuckers are perverts and have a thing for 18 year old bitches who look like they have Down’s Syndrome and are learning how to make strawberry shortcake cuz you gotta keep Down’s Syndrome people stimulated by playing with things, otherwise they just masturbate or bang their heads into the wall repeatedly, cuz retarded 18 year olds are the only 18 year olds dumb enough to fuck them. That’s not to say Down’s Syndrome people are actual retards, maybe they are just hyper intelligent, which would explain the big heads, but it is to say that you’re the kind of pervert who gets a job working at an instution for the severely mentally challenged because you figure while changing their diapers, you can give them a little diddle that they’ll like with your tongue/penis and no one will ever know, until you get carried away and get one pregnant and the investigation and secret cameras they install catch you on camera doing what it is you do cuz sex with a retard is next level nutty and unpredictable only to get you arrested but luckily you have a good lawyer who knows how to get you out of these stupid messes and by you I mean me.

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Selena Gomez Looks Retarded of the Day