Tag Archives: faced-the-sort

Dog Watches Homeward Bound, Can’t Control Excitement at Conclusion

If you’ve seen the classic film Homeward Bound , then you know how fabulous that moment that Shadow comes up over the hill is. The kid is running, the dog is barking, the audience is bawling… it’s a great scene. As much as we humans like it, we’ve got nothing on this pug. Dog Loves Watching End of Homeward Bound Seriously, how cute is that?  However, I do take umbrage with the reporter’s introduction. No one “loves”  Old Yeller . You know who loves that movie? Serial killers and psychopaths. The rest of society all know  Old Yeller as “that movie you cry like a baby at unless you have no soul.” Homeward Bound , on the other hand? Pure joy.

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Dog Watches Homeward Bound, Can’t Control Excitement at Conclusion

Ariana Grande: Kissed by Justin Bieber, Harassed by Justin Bieber Fans

Ariana Grande experienced the highs and lows of life as a friend of Justin Bieber this week. First, the young singer received a peck on the cheek from her fellow star, posting a photo of the cute incident on Twitter and giving her grandmother a shout-out in the caption: “You’re crazy and nonna says thank you, she loves you,” Ariana wrote to Justin. But then Grande was forced to delete the image, seemingly because she faced the sort of harassment to which Selena Gomez can likely relate. “Everyone, girls are allowed to be friends with guys. I’m a lady. Chill out,” Grande Tweeted after removing the apparently offensive picture. To quiet any rumors before they really start, allow us to remind Beliebers: Ariana has been dating Australian celebrity Jai Brooks for 10 months. He even posted photos of the couple on Instagram this week and included with it a sweet message to Grande: ‘”This girl means so much to me. Not many long distance relationships [work out], but ours is different. We are not only [each other’s] boyfriend/girlfriend, we are also [each other’s] best friends. I am the luckiest guy on this earth and really have found one of a kind.” So take a breath and relax, Beliebers. It sounds like you have far more important topics to worry about these days involving your hero .

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Ariana Grande: Kissed by Justin Bieber, Harassed by Justin Bieber Fans