Tag Archives: fake-ceremonies

Stephanie Seymour Hot Tits in a One Piece of the Day

Stephanie Seymour’s big fake tit, ex model, pushing 50, mom of 10, fucked by many rockstar, body has been squeezed into a one piece and I think she looks fucking lovely….you see cuz there comes a time in every fat chick or old ladies life where she says no to the 2 piece, because the 2 piece, like in the 80s, is meant for a specific kind of chick, one with a body that supports it, but that in Politically correct, everyone is fat in the 2000s, where every motherfucker started wearing a bikini, even if they didn’t belong in one, thanks to shit like the Jersey Shore… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Stephanie Seymour Hot Tits in a One Piece of the Day

Mila Kunis in Esquire Dec 2012 of the Day

I am not the kind of creepy fan boy who gets emotional about who any of these twats dates, you know like the guy who carves life size models of their favorite celebrity out of their 8 year dried semen reserve, to fuck, sleep with and marry in fake ceremonies in their mom’s basement…but I just can’t stand Ashton Kutcher, whether he makes 30 million dollars a year or not, he annoys me….and the fact that she is locked into him, and will likely marry him and have his demon spawn, makes her a facilitator, or an enabler, when really his genetic line should end there… That said, it’s made her far less of a babe to me, but luckily for her, she’s still a fucking babe. Here are some hot pics from esquire…

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Mila Kunis in Esquire Dec 2012 of the Day