Tag Archives: family-the-way

Cold World: Wiz Says Kanye CLEARLY Needs A Hit Of His Khalifa Kush — “I’ll Send Some To The Mental Institution”

Wiz Khalifa Offers To Send Kanye Weed At The Mental Institution Wiz Khalifa is having a little chuckle over Kanye’s meltdown. Wiz showed just a thimble full of sympathy for Kanye and his situation when cameras caught up with him in LA last night…but quickly followed that up with the recommendation that he “smoke some KK” and get it together. If you’ll recall, Wiz tweeting about smoking K(halifa) K(ush) is what led to Kanye flying off the handle on Wiz early this year… To add insult to injury, Wiz even offered to send ‘Ye an ounce or two — at the “mental institution.” DAMN. Well, when you come for a man’s family the way Kanye did…it’s safe to say all is fair game. TMZ/Splash/WENN

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Cold World: Wiz Says Kanye CLEARLY Needs A Hit Of His Khalifa Kush — “I’ll Send Some To The Mental Institution”