Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Resented People Expecting Her To Be Grateful To Beyoncé Several years have passed since Beyoncé released the self-titled album which exposed millions of fans to her newfound feminine side, a side best reflected in the song “Flawless” which included excerpts from accomplished author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk “We Should All Be Feminists.” After years of declining to speak on her inclusion, Ngozi Adichie recently revealed her feelings about her work being included on the Beyoncé album. In an interview with Volkskrant at the Brainwash Festival in Amsterdam Ngozi Adichie confirms that she was onboard — at least at first: ‘In the first place: of course Beyoncé asked permission to use my texts, and I did give her permission. I think she’s lovely and I am convinced that she has nothing but the best intentions. In addition, Beyoncé is a celebrity of the first order and with this song she has reached many people who would otherwise probably never have heard the word feminism, let alone gone out and buy my essay.’ ‘But I was shocked about how many requests for an interview I received when that song was released. Literally every major newspaper in the world wanted to speak with me about Beyoncé. I felt such a resentment (laughs loudly). I thought: are books really that unimportant to you? Another thing I hated was that I read everywhere: now people finally know her, thanks to Beyoncé, or: she must be very grateful. I found that disappointing. I thought: I am a writer and I have been for some time and I refuse to perform in this charade that is now apparently expected of me: “Thanks to Beyoncé, my life will never be the same again.” That’s why it didn’t speak about it much.’ Zaaaayuuuuuum girl. But that has to be annoying to work your butt off so hard and then have Beyoncé get all the credit like she discovered you. Still it does seem like Bey did kinda sorta change her life — nah? Ngozi Adichie takes her comments a step further to differentiate how her brand of feminism is MUCH different than Beyoncé’s: ‘Her style is not my style, but I do find it interesting that she takes a stand in political and social issues, since a few years. She portrays a woman who is in charge of her own destiny, who does her own thing, and she has girl power. I am very taken with that.’ ‘Still, her type of feminism is not mine, as it is the kind that, at the same time, gives quite a lot of space to the necessity of men. I think men are lovely, but I don’t think that women should relate everything they do to men: did he hurt me, do I forgive him, did he put a ring on my finger? We women are so conditioned to relate everything to men. Put a group of women together and the conversation will eventually be about men. Put a group of men together and they will not talk about women at all, they will just talk about their own stuff. We women should spend about 20 per cent of our time on men, because it’s fun, but otherwise we should also be talking about our own stuff.’ Ngozi Adichie actually seems to have a lot of nice things to say about Beyoncé we just wonder how the Beehive will receive some of the less positive things. Do you agree with Ngozi’s opinion or nah? WENN
See the rest here:
Resentment: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie FINALLY Speaks On Singer Embracing Feminism