Tag Archives: fantasy-pitches

Guess What? J.J. Abrams Has A New Secret Project

Since the only thing J.J. Abrams loves more than lens flares are secrets, this should come as no big surprise: The Super 8 / Star Trek director is planning a new Paramount joint with screenwriter Billy Ray ( Flightplan , Shattered Glass , and the upcoming Channing Tatum Peter Pan reimagining), which the duo devised together. The details are under wraps, natch, but it’s described as a “mystery adventure.” Thanks for that clue, fellas! While we wait for more info to hit the wires, see what potential Abrams-Ray fantasy pitches you can come up with in the comments below. (Anyone still holding out for Slusho: The Movie ?) [ Deadline ]

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Guess What? J.J. Abrams Has A New Secret Project