Tag Archives: fashioned-time

Naked Thai Army Training Seems Normal of the Day

I just came across this video – and it is safe to say that Thai Army training is the gayest kind of training any army has. I mean the regular army likes to keep the homosexual grinding to their days off while they have a hooker in the room to make the whole thing less gay. I wonder what they are testing them for? I’m thinking to screen the men who will work as army nurses from those they send out to fight. I mean I think is more to do with Thai sex tourism than army training, maybe the whole army thing is just for fetishes… Either way, weird as fuck.

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Naked Thai Army Training Seems Normal of the Day

Naked Subway Man Is the Best Thing On the Internet Ever of the Day

I have no idea what is happening in this video, but a girl gets assaulted by a crazed naked dude who does hand stands on turnstiles, and despite all the tears, I found great joy in this…. I mean he’s just a misunderstood crazy person, just looking for hugs and a good old fashioned acrobatic workout….rollin around on the floor, having a good old fashioned time… The world’s gone nuts…and it’s a lot of fun.

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Naked Subway Man Is the Best Thing On the Internet Ever of the Day