Tag Archives: feel-someone

Creepy Thong Through Leggings of the Day

I wonder what brought this cameraman to a place where a handfull of girls were stopped and looking at something long enough for him to use his trusty pervert camera to capture a pair of America Apparely leggings, not quite good enough quality to cover up the bitches thong, but wherever it was it shows his level of commitment to his perversion and that’s something worth celebrating by laughing at how creepy his work is….this dude walks around videotaping random bitches and posts it to the internet…hilarious….but what’s even better is that this girl has some sixth sense and feels the creepy eyes are watching without realizing it as she adjusts her shirt…kinda like when you feel someone is watching you and they usually are…only documented….This pervert vider is easily a 4 on 10.


Excerpt from:
Creepy Thong Through Leggings of the Day