Tag Archives: felt-the-look

Justin Bieber Shaves "Mustache" in Thrilling Instagram Video

Justin Bieber’s long struggle with facial hair came to an end late last night when the singer sadly announced “R.I.P. ‘stache,” to his Instagram followers. With a friend on hand to provide adult supervision, Justin then shaved for what seems to be the first time. Justin Bieber Shaves His Mustache! After asking a few pointers from the bored hanger-on whose name probably starts with “Lil,” Justin lathered up and became a man right before out eyes. Is anyone else getting choked up? As you may know, we’ve been tracking Bieber’s mustache progress for over a year. There usually wasn’t much progress, but even so, we’ll miss those straggly lip pubes go. Farewell, Lil Stache.  Of course, while we were a bit bummed to see Bieber go bare-lipped, plenty of THGers weren’t exactly fans of Justin’s mustache . Some of you felt the look just didn’t work for him, while others just thought it was something only other people could see, like some sort of douchey Loch Ness Monster. Whatever your thoughts on it, the Bieber ‘stache is now a thing of the past. let the long healing process begin.  Justin Bieber Instagram Photos 1. Justin Bieber Mustache Attempt Justin Bieber is trying to grow a mustache. It’s impossible not to laugh at the effort.

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Justin Bieber Shaves "Mustache" in Thrilling Instagram Video