Tag Archives: feminist-voice

Gal Gadot Titties of the Day

I don’t buy into the whole Gal Gadot thing, I think she’s full of shit, angling as this feminist leader because she was in Wonder Woman, which in and of itself is just objectifying women, but if you cast a woman director and a woman as Wonder Woman and pretend it’s women empowerment, it strikes off one of the hit list items of 2017….to get people into the movies. The idiot fans believe what they are told about it… I think Gal Gadot, like anyone in Hollywood, is just a puppet who does what she’s told, or who sucks up strategically to win at life… I do not think she’s a feminist voice or leader, and I am sure none of the people who knew her before she went Hollywood do either. I also think she’s old and not hot, and this isn’t an anti-Israel thing, it’s an anti celebrating overrated people thing…. But I guess let her shine in her glory… Gal Gadot – Overrated – More CLICK HERE The post Gal Gadot Titties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gal Gadot Titties of the Day