Tag Archives: figure-created

Newest list of names and hometowns of military recently killed in Afghanistan war

The Washington Post has published a list of names and hometowns of military recently killed in the Afghanisan War. http://corksphere.blogspot.com/2010/08/newest-list-of-names-and-hometowns-of_14…. added by: BillCorcoran

Darren Choy Lights YOG Opening Ceremony Youth Olympic Games 2010 Singapore

16 years old Darren Choy walked on water to light the flame for the inaugural ceremony of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) 2010 at 10:30 pm yesterday. added by: f4schennai

Famous Acros in bOObies: NVIATWAS

NVIATWAS – What is it? The most famous abbreviation used in the Poser universe is NVIATWAS almost everyone knows it, but if you don't well let's enlighten you: N = Naked (aka undressed or in default mode when loaded in Poser). V = Victoria (also called Vicky) The main female figure created by Daz3D for use with Poser. I = In (inside, within). A = A (as in “one”). T = Temple (a place of worship in the ancient times, greek, roman whatever). W = With (as in holding or in the presence of). A = A (as in “one”). S = Sword (pointy thing that only Xena the Warrior Princess or some fantasy warrior woman from a Boris Vallejo / Julie Bell, or Luis Royo image would wield. So all together: Naked Vicky In A Temple With A Sword. This is pretty much the global description of Poser Art. Anything else is superflouous. *grin* added by: Argon18