Tag Archives: first-record

Chely Wright, Your Newest Celebrity Lesbian

CELEBRITY BUZZ : People Magazine's highly-publicized celebrity un-closeting turned out to be a country star you've probably never heard of. (Unless you know that “Shut Up And Drive” song.) Meet Chely Wright, who has announced she likes women just in time for the release of her new album. [ Ed. note : Sorry to all the Kelly Clarkson fans who were hoping for a reveal.] The Best Links: “There had never, ever been a country music artist who had acknowledged his or her homosexuality,” she tells PEOPLE. “I wasn’t going to be the first.” The announcement is part of a big week for Wright: Her memoir, ‘Like Me,’ and her first record in five years, ‘Lifted off the Ground,’ will both hit stores. Who? She sings that “Shut Up And Drive” song. Chely Wright Coming Out Of The Closet Read