YesJulz is actually named Julieanna Goddard. She’s let social media get to her big head – after moving down to Miami from wherever to become a club promoter, VIP room worker, shameless self promoter….and I guess in attempting to next level the career, despite having scammed countless deals from countless brands as the self-proclaimed “queen of snapchat” making that money – but not getting anywhere bigger with her big ass….she wants to be a Kardashian, she wants your validation, she wants to be the actual biggest deal, not the biggest deal because she forces it down throats… So she released a sex tape…that sucked and made her less attractive than when I already thought was unattractive to begin with…but that black dudes liked because it was white and they were drunk….you know, because she’s a boss not a slut…until being a slut is more lucrative… THIS IS THE SEX TAPE …. And today…I came across the tit pics…it’s like put your clothes on girl and be a marketing exec, getting those marketing dollars, with self respect…this putting your tits out there cuz you want your tits out there is just fucking bottom feeding and a bad influence on the idiot kids who must follow her…irresponsible…we don’t need another Kardashian…put some damn clothes on… Don’t worry, it’s not her fault…she’s adopted… The post YesJulz Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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YesJulz Tits of the Day