Tag Archives: former-israeli

Former Israeli Internal Security Chief: ‘Attacking Iran Will Encourage Them To Develop A Bomb’


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The former head of Israel’s internal security service Shin Bet reportedly lacks faith in Israel’s leadership and worries that attacking Iran’s nuclear program may spur the Islamic Republic to acquire a nuclear weapon, according to Army Radio. Yuval Diskin made the comments to the Majdi Forum in Israel on Friday night. According to the Jerusalem Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 27/04/2012 17:30 Number of articles : 2

Former Israeli Internal Security Chief: ‘Attacking Iran Will Encourage Them To Develop A Bomb’

Vermont Responds to Israel’s Flotilla Massacre

Citizens in Burlington,Vermont speak out against Israel's assault on humanitarian aid workers. More than 50 citizens visit the State Senator demanding an end to military aid to Israel. Former Israeli Air Force Captain, Yonatan Shapira, speaks out against the atrocities. added by: sammayfield