Jessica Simpson looks stunning in a makeup-free photo on Twitter. She shared it Sunday following a date night with fiance Eric Johnson the night before. The 33-year-old singer-turned-actress-turned-fashion mogul wrote to her millions of fans, “Aquaphor from the diaper bag…And a filter 😉 Date night!” Aquaphor is a cleansing cream that can be used on both adults and babies. Very convenient. Simpson made a kissy face as she posed for the picture: Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson had daughter Maxwell Drew in May 2012, and son Ace Knute earlier this year. They did not waste any time. The foursome spent Thanksgiving in Boston with Johnson’s family, and Simpson and her fiance are currently planning their long-awaited nuptials. In October 2013, they were spotted scouting wedding venues in Capri. She’ll likely wear makeup for the big day, though she doesn’t need it!
See the original post here:
Jessica Simpson: No Makeup Date Night!