Tag Archives: friend-the-good

Nicole Richie Showing Off Mom Tit of the Day

I hate Nicole Richie. I always have. I hung out with her once. She was the cunt you’d expect her to be. This was 5 years ago, but she thought she was amazing and I thought she was an overrated little troll who should never have had the publicity she had…I just couldn’t believe people cared about her wonky inbred looking face…but they did and I guess that gave her the ego to carry on with her useless cunt behavior…. I mean the world shouldn’t be nice to adopted kids with drug addictions and eating disorders who are only relevant for indirectly killing DJ AM by dating his friend the Good Charlotte Sister cuz he had to pull his dick out of his twin brother’s mouth eventually and what easier transition than having babies with this cunt….but for some reason I am digging her little tits in this outfit…I think it’s out of hatred and since she’s blocked me on twitter, the only way I can get thru to her to tell her I am ready for those pussy pics we discussed is by posting this here cuz she reads the site daily…it’s a little known Nicole Richie fact…cuz no one cares to know about Nicole Richie…but she doesn’t grasp that…cuz that’s what happens when you’re spoiled. Either way, here are the pics of her mom tits… Pics via Fame

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Nicole Richie Showing Off Mom Tit of the Day