Tag Archives: from-the-june

7 Disney Villains Who Would Make Their Own Pretty Wicked Movies

Here are the 7 best Disney villains who should get their own movies. And we cast them too! You’re welcome, Disney.

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7 Disney Villains Who Would Make Their Own Pretty Wicked Movies

Wait. Your Pregnant Friends On Facebook Can Get You Pregnant?

Why is everyone on Facebook having babies? Well, partially because everyone on Facebook is having babies, which is a logical leap I took based on a study called “Does Fertility Behavior Spread among Friends?,” from the June issue of The American Sociological Review, which is one of my favorite things to read when I’m not… Read more

Assault Charges Against Creflo Dollar Dropped, Pastor Must Take Anger Management [VIDEO]

Original post:

Assault charges against Atlanta Pastor Creflo Dollar have been dropped, reports 11Alive.com. The charges stemmed from the June 2012 domestic dispute involving his teenage daughter.…

Assault Charges Against Creflo Dollar Dropped, Pastor Must Take Anger Management [VIDEO]