Tag Archives: from-the-pan

The 30 Greatest Star Trek Villains

The time has come to look at which adversaries of Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway and, God help me, Archer excel at being truly awful. Since a list like this one would cover all of the various Star Trek movies and films, whittling it down to just a handful would be a task larger than Harry Mudd's underpants. So in an attempt to be as inclusive as possible, the decision was made to focus on 30 of the final frontier's biggest bastards. Who would make the cut? Keep reading for a look at everyone from obvious villains (i.e. KHAAAAANNNNNN!) to more obscure peeps who have brought their intergalactic douchebaggery into our hearts. http://www.toplessrobot.com/2010/07/the_30_greatest_star_trek_villains.php?page=… added by: unimatrix0