Group night on American Idol brought out the talented – Deandre Brackensick, Jacob Lusk – and the petty: Poor 15-year old Jacee Badeaux was booted from his first group, in the middle of the evening, leaving him to scramble for a replacement and learn a new routine at the last moment. The youngster recovered from the snub and joined Sugar Mama and the Babies (Denise Jackson, Stevie Cain, Natalie Hanson, Brett Loewenstern ) for a rendition of “Mercy,” but forgot some of the lyrics and improvised about not wanting to go home. It was cute, but not exactly American Idol champion material. Below, watch Scotty McCreery , Clint Jun Gamboa, Monique De Los Santos and Frances Coontz explain their treatment of Badeaux, followed by this group’s performance and that of Sugar Mama and the Babies: American Idol Group Night Cover Jacee Badeaux and Company
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American Idol Group Night: The Trials of Jacee Badeaux