Tag Archives: fuels-internet

Jamie Foxx Reveals That Oprah Pulled Him Off The Edge Of Alcoholism

Jamie Foxx Credits Oprah With His Success Well, Oprah can’t be as bad as some people are saying … Jamie Foxx is crediting Oprah Winfrey with essentially saving his career by letting him know his hard-partying ways were not a good look and pointing him away from the devil’s nectar. Jamie told Howard Stern that Oprah got him on the phone around 2005 and let him know that his booze guzzling and hitting the clubs up every night of the week was hurting his career, and he didn’t even realize it. She even gathered him with other Hollywood legends to bring him to reality: Well, at least he got a handle on things before spiraling out of control like some folks . YouTube/Splash

Go here to see the original:
Jamie Foxx Reveals That Oprah Pulled Him Off The Edge Of Alcoholism

$ugar Baby $truggle: Melania Trump Hates Her Cheeto Crusty Husband & It’s Delicious

Melania’s Trump Hatred Fuels Internet Hysteria It’s only been 4 months–a stressfully cheeto crusty 4 months–since Sunkist Stalin started pushing America into the great white abyss while being curved in public by fed up First Lady Melania who clearly HATES him (like, forreal forreal) much to the joy of the internet (and anyone else who despises our orange, nincompoop-y and deplorable President). Peep the latest hilarious/terrifying episode of Everybody Hates Donnie (starring his own wife) on the flip. https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/867066885153730560 https://instagram.com/p/BUdW5mqlri0/ https://twitter.com/AngrierWHStaff/status/867497742213537793 https://twitter.com/Attenboroughs_D/status/867489037627666433 https://twitter.com/tonyposnanski/status/867157243514544128 https://twitter.com/rmayemsinger/status/866847299263004672 https://twitter.com/captain_az/status/822501798581796866 https://twitter.com/TheSofiya/status/822655993460965378 https://twitter.com/JOE_co_uk/status/823646800062058499 https://twitter.com/captaindeadpooI/status/797488984096010240 https://twitter.com/FlyAwayKayla/status/797174251526750208 https://twitter.com/teacherdude/status/823101954767421440 https://twitter.com/sosikbeatz4/status/866062150321803265 https://twitter.com/idiotrehab/status/836602450530484224 https://twitter.com/chelseahandler/status/867567302601920514 https://twitter.com/cciccone/status/867390080268156928 Getty

The rest is here:
$ugar Baby $truggle: Melania Trump Hates Her Cheeto Crusty Husband & It’s Delicious