Tag Archives: fun-snippets

Mila Kunis Covers Harper’s Bazzar

The lovely Mila Kunis shows off her amazing figure and lovely smile in Versace on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar‘s April 2012 issue. Amazingly, she says she’s single. Single! On dating, the 28-year-old actress says: “I’m single. I don’t get asked out. This past year, I haven’t been home a lot, so who’s going to ask me out?” On getting older, she says, “I won’t put a needle in my body unless I have medical reasons, but ask me in 10 years. Right now, I’m like, ‘I’m going to embrace it,’ but … I’m probably going to want to have something done.” On her dramatic weight loss in the 2010 film Black Swan , she says, “[My body] has never been the same. My shape is different. When I got down to 95 pounds, I was muscle.” “Like a little brick house, but made of skin and bones.” “When I gained it back, it went to completely different areas … I’d be happy if my ass got bigger. All the weight that left my chest went to my side hip, my stomach.” She looks pretty good based on these Mila Kunis pics . Just saying.

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Mila Kunis Covers Harper’s Bazzar

Men in Black 3 Full-Length Trailer: Aliens Beware!

Super special agents Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are back for Men in Black 3 and of the latest trailer is any indication, the three-quel will be worth the wait! When Smith’s Agent J heads back in time to solve the latest problems, he meets new cast member Josh Brolin … who portrays Jones’ character as a young man. The new trailer is chock full of fun snippets and info for fans, including the fact that Andy Warhol was an alien life form. Somehow that makes perfect sense to us. Check out the full-length theatrical trailer for Men in Black 3 below! Men in Black 3 Movie Trailer MIB3 lands in theaters May 25 and also stars Emma Thompson, Nicole Scherzinger, Alice Eve and Jermaine Clement. What do you think? Worth checking out?

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Men in Black 3 Full-Length Trailer: Aliens Beware!