Tag Archives: funbags-the-way

Maryna Linchuk’s Super Sexy Bikini Pictures

It’s been a while since I’ve done a post on her, but here’s Victoria’s Secret hottie Maryna Linchuk doing what she does best: looking smoking hot in a bikini, and making me need to take my third cold shower of the day. That said, I do have one minor complaint when it comes to Maryna — her Instagram is seriously lacking in the bikini and lingerie selfie department. And I just hope she fixes that soon, because it’s the best thing she could do to help take her career to the next level. Well, that and date a certain celebrity blogger, but I figure one out of two will do for now.

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Maryna Linchuk’s Super Sexy Bikini Pictures

Nina Senicar Belongs In A Bikini

Looks like it’s time for me to add another favorite hottie to the big board, thanks to this latest sexy bikini photoshoot from Serbian model and former Miss Yugoslavia Nina Senicar . And yeah, I know I’ve got a lot of favorites by now, but what can I say? I go through favorite funbags the way you non-bloggers go through underwear: I always make sure I have a new pair for each day of the week.

Here is the original post:
Nina Senicar Belongs In A Bikini