Tag Archives: gauzy-romantic

X Ex: Jean Grey Makes Cameo In Six-Second ‘Tweaser’ For ‘The Wolverine’

The trailer for The Wolverine   doesn’t hit until Wednesday, but director James Mangold has released a six-second tweaser trailer via his Twitter account that crams a lot into its extremely brief run time, including plenty toothy grimacing from Hugh Jackman and a glimpse of the adamantium-clawed antihero’s unrequited X2 dalliance Jean Grey ( Famke Janssen ), who sacrificed herself at the end of the movie. The tweaser. vine.co/v/bDExaiMjJ1F — James Mangold (@mang0ld) March 25, 2013 By the way, if you freeze the scene — which you can do by clicking on the frame — Wolvie and Jean appear to be in the midst sort of gauzy romantic moment, which could mean it’s merely a flashback as opposed to Grey’s return as the Phoenix. (The mutant she eventually becomes based on Marvel mythology). Check it out and tell me what you think, Bub? More on The Wolverine :  New Posters For ‘The Wolverine’ Show A Jacked Jackman − But Little Artistic Spark Follow Frank DiGiacomo on  Twitter. Follow Movieline on  Twitter. 

X Ex: Jean Grey Makes Cameo In Six-Second ‘Tweaser’ For ‘The Wolverine’