It’s part of the job description if you’re a celebrity – your personal spaces on the internet will be getting hacked by randos in an attempt to discredit you and draw attention to themselves. So today, Selena Gomez’s Twitter and Facebook were hacked. Only the hackers didn’t do anything interesting, they just talked about 4chan and gave shout-outs to their friends. Here’s what you could’ve done to make hacking Selena Gomez actually entertaining. 1. Mention The Lovechild She’s About To Have With Justin Bieber I don’t think there are nearly enough publicists in Hollywood on the brink of having heart attacks. This would remedy that. And maybe a few Beliebers would join them in the process. 2. Talk About Her Plot To Poison The Drinking Water Of America Instantly, Selena Gomez would go from fresh-faced Disney starlet to a Bondian-type villain. APBs would be issued for her arrest, and she would either be apprehended, or placed in a protection program. A princess protection program. 3. Complain About Mickey Mouse’s Dungeon All child stars have had to spend time in Mickey’s dungeon, ensuring that their rise to fame would be quick like the whips he cracked into their sides. 4. Admit That She Is, In Fact, A Robot Never mind spending time in Mickey’s dungeon, Disney stars need to come clean. They are the first wave of robots designed to kill us all.
See the original post:
Selena Gomez’s Twitter Hacked