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Terminator Genisys Trailer: Released! Awesome!

He said he’d be back, didn’t it? The very first trailer for Terminator Genisys has hit the Internet, as the latest installment in this beloved franchise will return Arnold Schwarzenegger to the rule that mde him truly famous. Terminator Genisys Trailer Set in 2029, the blockbuster will find John Connor continuing to lead the human resistance against the uprise of the machines. After learning of a new SkyNet plot, however, he’ll send trusted lieutenant Kyle Reese back through time to keep his mother alive and, therefore, ensure John is actually born. What makes the fifth Terminator movie different from past Terminator movies? We’ll discover that Schwarzenegger’s machine has actually raised Sarah Connor since the age of nine. He’s been programmed to protect her. Terminator Genisys comes out on July 1, 2015 and will also star Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, Jason Clarke, Matt Smith, Byung-Hun Lee and JK Simmons. Here is the first official poster:

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Terminator Genisys Trailer: Released! Awesome!