Tag Archives: genuine-talent

Emily Ratajkowski for Cosmo of the Day

Looks like she’s made it…. I am firm believer that acting requires no talent whatsoever. You just have to be some ego who really believes you have something to offer – and if you’re lucky the producers will think you do also…and in Emily Ratajkowski’s case, she made the producers think she had something to offer, but simply making the public love her for her tits…that she put out there a lot and that were celebrated. The rumor is that Kanye cast her for his music video, flew her around the world to fuck, linked her up with Treats! where she posed nude, got cast in the Music Video that changed her life, became household and now she’s in Cosmo like she wasn’t a fame whore getting naked to get famous, but rather like a genuine talent… The line is so fine, as to whether your nudes will go viral and generate mainstream interest, or whether you’ll just end up in porn, but it worked for Emrata, so it could work with you, and the only way we’ll ever know if is you send me nudes. Here are those pics for COSMO BONUS – Here She is in Red at the Gone Girl Premiere – Because it is Her Big Fucking Day #456172334 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Emily Ratajkowski for Cosmo of the Day