Tag Archives: german-shepard

Random Ridiculousness: Pizza Man Popped By One-Time After Being Caught Chopping Down Dog On Camera

He couldn’t get any kitty kat so he got him some dog. Pizza Man Caught Having Sex With Dog This doesn’t make any sense. Surely if he was THIS sexually frustated he could have gotten some box. Poor dog. According to Mass Live: A Florida man is in trouble with the law after alleged sexual encounters with his roommate’s dog were caught on camera. According to the Tampa Bay CBS affiliate, WTSP-TV, 22-year-old Joshua Lee Werbicki, was arrested and charged with felony cruelty to animals and misdemeanor criminal sex act with an animal, after a hidden camera allegedly revealed he had sex with the dog. Published reports indicate Werbicki’s roommate became suspicious when the dog, a German Shepard mix, was limping around the house and became skittish when approached by humans. The roommate reportedly set up a hidden camera in the apartment he shared with Werbicki, which allegedly revealed the inter-species sex act. Brevard County Animal Services Sgt. Michael Healy told the news website FloridaToday.com that Florida law allows the possibility of a court-ordered injunction barring Werbicki from having future unsupervised contact with other animals, depending on the outcome of his court case. Werbicki was arrested at the Papa John’s on Minton Road in West Melbourne, Fla. where he worked. Further information on whether Werbicki was held or released on bail wasn’t immediately available Saturday afternoon. Disgusting. Brevard County Sheriff/Facebook

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Random Ridiculousness: Pizza Man Popped By One-Time After Being Caught Chopping Down Dog On Camera

Discrimination Against Dogs? ALL OVER THE WORLD~

I recently wanted to move to an apartment complex this is what I found out? Our breed restriction policy is as follows: The following breeds of dogs, whether full- or mixed-breeds, are not accepted for residency? Airedales, Akitas, Alaskan Malamutes, Basset Hounds, Beagles, Bloodhounds, Bullmastiff, Chow Chows, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepard, Giant Schnauzer, Great Dane, Husky, Pit Bulls, Standard Poodles (miniature Poodles are permitted), Presa Canario, Rotweiler, St. Bernard, Terriers (West Highland, Jack Russell, and Yorkshire Terriers are permitted), or Wolf hybrids. http://www.experiencemercer.com/petPolicy.php added by: ejasun