Tag Archives: getting-cursed

Jersey Shore Season 4 Cast Pic: Greased Up in Italy

The Jersey Shore cast recently posed with a vespa for a promotional picture in Italy. Season Four of the MTV show is being filmed in Florence as we speak. It’s nice to see everyone together and happy. Well, happy may be a stretch. At least they’re in one piece and looking as guidoed-out as ever. Holla. The Old Country will never be the same again … Hopefully this photo shoot was Snooki’s only experience riding the vespa . What a tumultuous last couple of weeks of filming it’s been. And we thought that last season in Seaside was off the chain. Some highlights from Florence: Deena Nicole Cortese almost falling off a bridge. Ronnie pounding The Situation senseless. Sitch’s dad calling him out on YouTube. Italian locals hating on the entire cast. Snooki rear-ending someone (in a car crash). Snooki getting cursed by a gypsy woman. Snooki and Jionni LaValle breaking up . The fourth season of Jersey Shore premieres August 4. [Photo: WENN.com]

Originally posted here:
Jersey Shore Season 4 Cast Pic: Greased Up in Italy