Tag Archives: give-the-jokes

The Biggest Girls in Entertainment of the Day

This is a “literally”…situation…Not “Literally” like the 18 year old girls I sext use literally… Because these two can…and do…and not just when at the all you can eat buffet…but also in maximizing the fat girl market, which is the majority of people, by producing content for them while acting empowered about their sex appeal…in the new generation of fat girls who think they are sexy, because people are more accustomed to fucking fat girls, something I’ve been doing forever…because sometimes getting sex outweighed how disgusting the girl I was fucking was….but I never really went for the fat girls who fucked black guys…because those fat girls….like these fat girls think they are fatter than they are…. Terrifying… The post The Biggest Girls in Entertainment of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Biggest Girls in Entertainment of the Day

Sarah Silverman’s Got Big Tits of the Day

Sarah Silverman wore a slutty enough dress that showcased her big tits…because I guess in her older age she’s realized that showing off her tits, instead of wearing oversized sweaters, like the awkward, loud, poop and pee joking Jewish girl at the summer camp…isn’t very Hollywood..in both her comedy…and I guess her tits.. I’ve known Jewish girl, they’ve almost always had big tits, and the tits coupled with the blowjob skills have always been their savior, like they were Moses…because it off sets their troll-ish faces…was that anti-israeli? I mean I get it there are hot jewish girls…calm down…bitch who thinks she’s hot because she knows she’ll find a Jewish Husband since he has to marry a Jewish girl to keep family happy… Tits in a dress on a monster don’t excite me…I’ve also never found Sarah Silverman funny. I generally don’t like girl comedians unless they are bikini models, and even then they annoy me…I am misogynistic and think they should stick to being in the writing room, not in front of the camera, unless naked…it’s like give the jokes you write to the babes and edit out the potty humor…it’s dumb….. Even with these surprise Jimmy Kimmel eating tits…she’s still ugly…and in her ugly…is that on more than one occasion dudes have told me they find her hot…she’s even made Maxim top 100 list, because I guess there are only 99 babes in Hollywood and they had to throw a comedian in the mix…it’s just weird to me…but tits…right..tits…tits. At least she’s trying, looks shower, has make-up on, and doesn’t have that monster who has given up, despite being rich and hugely successful, slob she normally looks like. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Sarah Silverman’s Got Big Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sarah Silverman’s Got Big Tits of the Day