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Breaking Bad Recap: "Blood Money"

Well, that didn’t take long. On the first of its final eight episodes, Breaking Bad shocked viewers by putting the truth right out there: Walt is Heisenberg. Hank knows it. Walt knows Hank knows it. And now Hank knows that Walt knows he knows it. Where do things go from here? We do not know. But what an explosive, taut, tension-filled confrontation to close “Blood Money,” as Walt threatened his brother-in-law to “tread lightly” in a scene many fans didn’t expect to see until the series finale. Instead – boom! – creator Vince Gilligan and company wasted no time in putting it all out there. And in giving us a look ahead to when the whole town appears to know Walt’s secret… and his home is dilapidated… and he’s hairy and dirty and desperate and grabbing some Ricin for reasons that defy current comprehension. But most definitely will not bode well for someone. What a tremendous, intense hour of the best show on television. Only seven more installment remain, so enjoy them while you can. What grade would you give the return of Breaking Bad Season 5 ?   A B C D F View Poll »

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Breaking Bad Recap: "Blood Money"